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                         Last week, I went to Lumajang with my friends. I went with my friend by motor cycle, my friend was Mahes, Bagus, Alfad, and Faisal. I went to Lumajang at 18.30.

                         Finally I pick up same Alfad and Faisal pick up Mahes and Bagus. After that I and my friend went to Lumajang and arrived in Lumajang. I and friend went to city park in Lumajang, I and my friend seated in front of elementary school ditotrunan 01 and I bought beans. Last I eaten beans with Mahes and forward I and my friend retruned to home. I and my friend is very happy because I and my friend can went together to Lumajang, can walking together, entertainment together, and play together

descriptive text

My Brother

I have a brother.his name ridwan. He was born in Probolinggo 11 - 05 - 1988 and he was 25 years old. he has a fat body, brown skin and straight hair. He likes spicy food. he is very naughty. He always guided me into a good boy. I love him.


Cara membuat terang bulan mini

Baking ingredients moonlit mini:
• 400 g flour
• 4 grams of fine salt
• 5 g instant yeast
• 80 grams sugar
• 450 ml of water
• 2 eggs
• 2 grams of baking soda
• vanilla essence to taste
Ingredients for the cake topping moonlit mini:
• 100 grams of margarine
• Banana kepok
• grated cheddar cheese
• Peanuts, fried, mashed Kasr
• Meises
• sweetened condensed milk
How to make mini cakes moonlight:
1. First, mix the flour and eggs into the bowl
2. Then create a starter dough by mixing yeast and water, let stand until the yeast worked briefly
3. Next enter the last starter mixture into the flour mixture. Stir gently until smooth
4. Beat in sugar, salt, baking soda and vanilla essence. Stir until smooth and let stand for 30 minutes until the dough is issued froth
5. Prepare the moon cake mold mini light, heat and spread with a little margarine / cooking oil
6. Pour the batter into the mold. Do not get too full. Enough with 1 cm from the bottom of the mold
7. Close the mold and wait until the surface of the porous moonlit
8. Rub the surface with a little moonlight mini margarine then add toppings to taste and close the mold. Wait until the light in mature
9. If your skin is dry on the side of a full moon mean mini is ripe and ready ejected from the mold.
10. Light of the Moon Mini Cake ready to eat

iklan bahasa inggris

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Ini diary dibuat oleh M.Jainuri al iksan untuk mengenang outing class, di Argo wisata di lumajang,di selenggarekan pada tanggal 30 – 12 – 2012 .Saya mula mula mempersiapkan perlengkapan untuk pergi ke Argo wisata bersama teman – teman,Sudah jam 05.00 pagi saya berangkat bersama dengan bapak saya, sudah tiba di depan gerbang saya menunggu teman – teman. Kalau udah teman – teman megumpul di bus dan busnya mau berangkat. Saya menuju bus saya bersama teman – teman. Saya naik bus dan berangkatlah dan busnya menjemput ibu guru yang rumahnya ada di Lumajang. Hati saya sangat senang dan busnya itu mau sampai ke argo wisata di senduro / royal famili di senduro. Murid kelas 7A dan 8A makan, saya gak makan saya sudah makan di bus. Kalau sudah makan anggota denny’s membentuk sebuah kelompok yang nama yang diambil dari wayang pandhawa lima. Saya bergabung dengan kelompok gareng. Dan kakak dari denny’s yang namanya kak Bayu mengadakan lomba meniup balon, dan membawanya sampai ke gerbang argo wisata, dan harus diletuskan balon itu dengan semua badan kecuali tangan dan kakinya, dan kelompok saya kalah dengan kelompok sadewa. Kalau begitu kelompok saya tidak apa kalah memang kelompok sadewa curang meletuskan bolannya dengan jaringnya, untung kelompok saya nomor 2 kelompok saya siap melawan dengan kelompok sedewa. Kelompok gareng dan kelompok sadewa pergi ke kebun salak , dan membuat kalimat dengan benda diseliling kelompok / kebun salak, dan kelompok saya memenangkannya, dan kami semua pergi ke kolam renang. Dan ada lomba lagi mengeluarkan bola dari tabung dengan air, dan kelompok saya menang lagi mendapatkan 5 logo. Dan kelompok saya diberi tugas membuat yel – yel disamping kolam renang, dan terusnya semua kelompok berjalan ke sungai untuk lomba berjalan dengan kaki terikat dengan teman, dan menebak gambar yang ada di amplop putih oleh kak Eka. Cara mainnya adalah berjalan ke amplop, dan menebaknya lalu buat kalimat dengan bahasa inggris, lalu berjalan ke tas semua kelompok yang ada di selatan. Lalu semua kelompok sudah ikut lomba, lalu pergi ke gerbang masuk, melewati pondok / rumah pohon, lalu melewati pohon manggis, lalu melewati pohon pisang, dan lalu ada di dekat permainan anak – anak, lalu yel – yelnya semua kelompok harus di kumpulkan / di mainkan, lalu menyanyikan yel – yelnya, saat menyayikan yel – yel, anak – anak sangat senang sekali, yel – yel kelompok saya sangat lucu dan bagus untuk di nyayikan dan, kelompok saya menjadi juara 3. Dan kelompok saya diberi hadiah pena, kelompok saya sangat senang. Dan kakak – kakak dari denny’s pergi pulang, dan saya pergi ke gerbang untuk pergi membeli es duren dan, membeli salak untuk dibawa pulang sebagai oleh – oleh. Jam 12.00 saya sholat dengan Agis dan Faris, selesai sholat saya dan teman – teman pergi ke kolam renang untuk bermain arum jeram karena tiketnya rusak / lembek terkena air. Ada banyak yang ikut arum jeram, kecuali saya, Wahyu, Agis, Irfan, Debby, dan Dimas. Dan begitu aku dan Agis pergi ke tangga aku dan Agis di tanyai sama bu Rini, dan bu Rini memanggil Irfan, dan anak – anak lainnya. Saya dan Agis dibelikan pop mie dan Irfan juga Wahyu dibelikan pop mie juga. Saya bilang terima kasih sama bu Rini dan Agis juga, Irfan dan Wahyu. Semua anak – anak akan pulang dan saya kembali ke bus saya dan sesampainya disekolah anak – anak pulang. Saya pulang sama dengan Faris dan Iqbal



This diary made by M.Jainuri al iksan to commemorate the class outing, on tour in lumajang Argo, held on 30-12 - 2012. My first initial gear preparing to go to Argo travel with friends , It's been morning at 05.00 go along with my father, had arrived at the gate waiting for my friends. If you've friends cumulate on the bus and the bus was leaving. I headed to my bus with friends. I take the bus and leave the bus and pick the teacher whose home is in Lumajang. My heart is very happy and the bus was going to get to argo tours Senduro / royal family in Senduro. 7A and 8A graders eat, I do not eat I have eaten on the bus. If you already eat denny's members formed a group named after puppet pandhawa five. I joined the group Gareng. And brother of denny's a kak name Bayu holding a balloon blowing contest, and took him up to the gates of the meter type, and should be fired balloon with all the body except the hands and feet, and my group lost with the Sahadev. Then my group did not lose any fraudulent Sahadev groups popping bolannya the web, fortunately my number 2 groups: group I am ready to fight with the sedewa. Gareng Group and Sahadev group went into the garden barking and making sentences with the object around / garden barking, and my group won, and we all went to the pool. And there is another race issue a ball from the tube with water, and my group won again get 5 logo. And my group was given the task of creating slogans - slogans beside a swimming pool, and continue all groups walking to the river to walk with legs tied race with friends, and guess images on white envelopes by kak Eka. The way the game is run in an envelope, and guess and make sentences with english, then walked to the bag all the groups in the south. Then all groups have participated in the race, then go to the gate, past the cottage / home tree, then past the mangosteen tree, then past banana trees, and then there are near kids games - kids, then yel - yelnya all groups should collect / on play and sing the chant - yelnya, when sing slogans - slogans, children - children very happy, yell - yell my group is very cute and great for sing and, my group won 3. And I was rewarded with the pen, I am very happy group. And brother - sister of denny's go home, and I went to the gate to go buy durian and ice, buy bark to take home as a gift - by. I pray at 12.00 with Agis and Faris, finished my prayers and friends went to the pool to play for his ticket arum rapids damaged / wet mushy. There are many who come arum rapids, except me, Revelation, Agis, Irfan, Debby, and Dimas. And so I went to the stairs and Agis, Agis at me and ask the same bu Rini and bu Rini calling Irfan, and child - other children. My pop bought Agis noodles and Irfan alsoWahyu buy pop noodle too. I say thank you each bu Rini and Agis also, Irfan and Wahyu.All children - children will go home and I go back to my bus and on arrival at the school the child home. I came home with Faris and Iqbal


I have a cat, it’s name Jonny, he has the collors of it’s fur are brown. It has fat body,he has four leg, he has two ear, he has two eye, he likes eating rice and fish, he likes drinking white water, he likes sleeping , he is very funny

I have a cat, it’s name Jonny, he has the collors of it’s fur are brown. It has fat body,he has four legs, he has two ears, he has two eyes, he likes eating rice and fish, he likes drinking white water, he likes sleeping , he is very funny